Seeing as last weeks post went down so well, we decided that we would stick with the gif theme and give you the 10 joys of employment this week! So, for those of you reading this from your desk at work, try not to laugh out loud too much...
1. Office computers and their internet connection...We've all experienced it...the wonderful office wi-fi that never connects and when it does, it decides to disconnect shortly after you start that really long email to that really important client. Oh yes, we understand your pain.
2. Office humour...Need we say anymore?
3. Getting caught by the boss doing nothing...We've all done it. You take two minutes to stare into space or to have a chat with your neighbour and just as you are doing it, your very stressed boss walks round the corner. Great.
4. That last painful minute that seems to last a lifetime - It's 4:59pm and you finish at 5:00pm. You have turned everything off, your coat is on and you are ready to go. Now, all that's left is to entertain yourself for what will be the longest minute of your life..
5. Phone calls - Don't get us wrong, there is nothing better than a good chin wag on the phone with your favourite client. But some days answering the phone at all seems like a job from Satan himself...can't they just leave me alone?!
6. When it's time to go home on a Friday...Five o'clock hits and for the first time this week, everyone is out of the door on time, any idea why?!
7. And then Monday comes back around...Did we really just have a weekend? Whenever you work Monday to Friday, the weekends seem to go quicker than ever. However, it's ok. Why? Because now you can start the count down to next weekend...
8. Coming back to your emails after a few days off...First day back after a week off and you have loads of stuff to do. However, you open your emails and realise that answering these alone is going to take you most of the day. What better way to welcome you back?!
9. Bringing food into the office...Whats that, you left some food in the kitchen for five minutes and now it's gone? Leaving food alone can be risky business in an office..
10. The awesome relationships you have with your colleagues...You can't deny that although they stress you out, tell bad jokes and eat your food, they are pretty awesome people to work with.
We hoped you enjoyed this weeks post as much as you did last week!
NB: A quick note to our weekly readers, if you ever have anything you want to see on our blog..anything work/recruitment related then you can email us at or leave a comment down below! We want to create a corner of the internet that everyone can read.
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