Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Do I Need A Cover Letter?

An important question that people always ask themselves when applying for a job. Do I need a cover letter? Well, as there isn't really a straightforward answer, we have put together a pro's and con's list so you can decided for yourself.

  • You'll stand out. - There is no point in giving out a cover letter that you found off Google and several other people will have also found and handed in. Make it unique to you. This is your chance to shine. 
  • It's all about you! - When written  properly, a cover letter is the perfect opportunity for you to truly express who you are and what you enjoy doing without having to cram it onto a CV. Do not rush it. 
  • Improved CV? - Make sure your cover letter is going to blow the potential employer away! Not only will the letter catch their eye, it'll also make your CV appear better than it might actually be! However, make sure your cover letter matches up with your CV and makes sense.
  • Know your stuff.. - Is the letter relevant to the position you are applying for? This is of huge importance. Making sure it's relevant can prove to the employer that you know your stuff and are passionate about the role in question. 
  • Time consuming - Writing a good cover letter does take more time than just submitting a CV. However, surely its worth it if you get the job of your dreams?
  • Wasted Opportunity? - Have you done enough to make your cover letter stand out? If not, you've wasted your time. Don't let that happen! Make sure you really put in the effort in order to get the most out of your cover letter.
  • Don't bore your employer... - Employers don't always require a cover letter so make sure you find out if they do beforehand. The last thing you want to do is bore your employer, as by doing so, you could put your CV at risk. Make sure your letter is interesting and worth their attention!
So, now it's up to you. Are you going to keep handing the same letter to every potential employer? Maybe, you're going to write your first cover letter? Whatever you have taken from this, we hope we have given you an insight on whether or not a cover letter is really worth it...

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