As recruiters, we have seen our fair share of poorly written CV's, cover letters and applications. One thing is for sure, it's very off putting. When applying for any job, you are effectively trying to sell yourself. You are convincing the potential employer that you are the best candidate for the job. Don't ruin that with a handful of spelling and punctuation mistakes.
To make sure you are going to stand the best possible chance of getting your dream job, we have put together a list of commonly made mistakes and how you can rectify them. So, when you land your dream job thanks to your outstanding can thank us later!
Wen something is wrote incorrectley it is hard to read, yes? More often than not it can put ppl of reading it. U dont have to be a spelling wiz to know tht this paragraf is not readable. So, ask u prof read everything u rite? Should u? The answer is yes.
➳ Chances are, if you give your potential employer a cover letter, CV or application that they can't read, they won't bother. If you know that you aren't the best at spelling or grammar, then ask a family member or friend who you trust, don't leave it to chance!
➳ Using capital letters for names, places and at the start of a sentence is appropriate. Using capital letters to type full words or putting them randomly in is not. Some applications may require you to write in capital (or block) letters however, if they don't specifically ask for it then don't do it! Using only capital letters can make your application look very messy and rushed not to mention it looks like you are screaming!
Not everything needs to be bold or italic.
➳ We recommend using a bold font for your name, contact details and job titles. You don't need to use it when talking about your hobbies or job role. Bold font should be for important things only..not everything in between. And Italic? Just stay away from the italic font. Please!
Keep it consistent, simple and uniformed.
➳ Make sure you use the same font, size and colour...preferably a black font throughout. A CV that looks like something Picasso made is not going to get you an office job. Being consistent means that your application remains professional, looks neat and is easy on the eye.
Don't, use, too, many, commas, but make sure you use some otherwise it can be a bit too much to read in one go.
➳ Make sure you know what you're doing with your commas and full stops. There doesn't need to be a comma after every word but don't forget about them completely. Commas are there to help you carry on a sentence but still give the reader a break. Use this to your advantage. This means you won't have a bunch of super short sentences which can look simple and not give much to the reader. But please don't forget your capital letters after your full stops!!
So now you have our five top tips on the little things to take into consideration when writing a CV, cover letter or application. Now, go and wow your potential employer with your fancy new CV. You're welcome...